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Educational Activity
Tote Checkout


River Keepers educational activities are available to check out for free! Try them out with classrooms, clubs, organizations, etc.  Please allow 3 days to pick up.

Check Out Form

2024 Activity Tote Flyer

Much of the curriculum we utilize comes from Project Wet (Water Education for Teachers).  For information on workshops and resources go to: ND Project WET.

The curriculum for the activity totes we have available are below.  If the curriculum is not linked here, please email Kimberly@riverkeepers.org for more information on that particular activity.

    • Blue River: Simulate the movement of water through a watershed.  Role play the effects of the water cycle on water quality between the natural and human constructed systems.
    • Deadly Links: Learn how a food web works and how pollutants/humans can impact the entire ecosystem
    • Fish Identification:  Learn the different parts of a fish and 15 common fish you may find in the Red River of the North.  Fish ID Worksheet
    • H2O Olympics: Compete in games to investigate the physical properties of water.
    • How to Clinch a Catch: Learn and practice how to tie a clinch knot. A clinch knot will keep your hook firmly tied to the fishing line, even when a really large fish is tugging at your bait!
    • Incredible Journey: Role play the effects of the water cycle.
    • Invaders!: Participate in a game that simulates competition for habitat and resources while learning about aquatic invasive species.
    • Let the Cattail Out of the Bag in conjunction with Wetland Metaphors: Consider a selection of common objects as metaphors for natural wetland functions.  Activity Video
    • One River Many Voices: Learn about the Red River, the people living wtihin the Red River Basin, some of the water challenges in the watershed and discover the importance of working together to resolve problems.  One River Many Voices Activity Video
    • River Crime Lab: Become a detective and solve the crime of trash in the Red River.
    • Stream Sense: Explore natural areas, learning there is more to nature than meets the eye.
    • Sum of the Parts: Demonstrate how everyone contributes to the pollution of a river as it flows through a watershed and recognize that through individuals and group action, the amount of pollution can be reduced. Sum of the Parts Presenter Summary  Sum of the Parts Activity Video  
    • The Blue Traveller: Role play the effects of the water cycle on water quality between natural and human constructed systems.
    • The Life Box: Discover the four essential factors needed to sustain life.  Life Box Activity Video
    • Trees the Water Keepers: Learn how trees help the river and discover tree characteristics.
    • Web of Life: Simulates a food web, students will take a close look at an ecosystem and discover ways that plants and animals are connected to each other.  Web of Life Activity Video
    • Would You Drink This Water : Can senses determine water quality?