Help protect the Red River’s water quality by making your own rain barrel. In addition to building your own rain barrel to take home, this workshop includes a short presentation to learn the basics of water quality and the effects of storm water runoff. This class is held outside, so dress for the weather. Unless it’s raining heavily, the class will not be postponed. Come prepared to carry home an empty 55-gallon barrel.
Two workshops are scheduled for 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. on May 25 and another one on June 15.
You will need a drill to install the rain barrel. Please bring a drill to the workshop. Participants can borrow a drill during the workshop, if needed.
Fee includes all other supplies. You will receive information about partial reimbursement available to Cass and Clay county residents upon completion of the workshop.Fee: $59.00 includes supplies.
Register through Moorhead Community Education: communityed.moorheadschools.org
This workshop is hosted by River Keepers and Clay Soil and Water Conservation District. Support is received from Cass County Soil Conservation District, Fargo Park District and Moorhead Parks and Recreation.