Make Your Own Rain Barrel Workshops: Save money by using untreated water to water those flower and vegetable gardens while protecting the Red River’s water quality. A rain barrel is a rainwater harvesting system that is connected to a downspout from a house or building. As rainfall changes throughout the season, one rain barrel will hold about 50 gallons of water that can be used during city-imposed water bans. Some of the benefits of rain barrels include building protection by controlling moisture levels around the foundation, reduce storm water runoff by catching the water from your roof and gutters, and you’ll have happier plants since they prefer un-chlorinated, untreated water.
When: 6-8 p.m. on April 25, May 8 or May 25
Fee: $74.00 includes supplies ($69 for Moorhead school district residents). Cass County residents may be eligible for partial reimbursement of fee; information will be available at the conclusion of the workshop.
Build Your Own Compost Tumbler Workshops: Save water, money, time and maintenance costs by using yard waste to benefit you and your soil. This workshop will cover the basics of composting and provide instruction to construct various composting systems. In addition, you will build and bring home a compost tumbler made from a plastic 55-gallon barrel. By tumbling this composter around the yard once or twice a week you could have a barrel full of compost by the end of the growing season.
When: 6-8 p.m. on May 2, May 15 or June 1
Fee: $69.00 includes supplies ($64 for Moorhead school district residents).
To register for any of the workshops, contact Moorhead Community Education at or by calling 218-284-3400.
For more information, contact River Keepers at or 701.235.2895.