A 4-person best ball tournament that takes place at Edgewood Golf Course on June 14, 2021 with a noon shotgun start.
Sign up and pay online to either participate or sponsor through Eventbrite
Fun, Fun, Fun!
This is a fun event for golfers of all skill levels. The only requirement is that you come prepared to have fun!
Catfish Cup – Lowest Team Score
Carp Award – Highest Team Score
Door Prizes
Each golfer will have a chance to win one of many door prizes.
There will be fun ways to win prizes while learning about River Keepers and the Red River!
Sponsorship Opportunities* SOLD to Moore Engineering! * Steamboat Sponsors – $1000 – Logo on all carts, large logo on banner by registration & door prize table, logo on course card and on River Keepers website with a link to company website. Opportunity to provide company swag to all players a specific hole which can be staffed, introduction and recognition at awards ceremony, names listed on social media

* Canoe Sponsors – $400 – Medium logo on banner by registration & door prize table, logo on sign at a tee box, logo on course card, two tickets to our fall fundraiser.
* Kayak Sponsor – $200 – includes a small logo on banner by registration table & door prize table, logo on sign at a tee box, logo on course card.