Monthly Volunteer Series: October Fargo Drain Cleanup

Join us for our volunteer series! The first Thursday of the month in the evening we will be hosting one of our ongoing volunteer projects. River Keepers staff will train you in at the beginning. Meet other River Keepers volunteers while helping the community LEARN, SUSTAIN and ENJOY the Red River! Pre-registration is required:…/8050F4FADA929A3F94… For […]
Ironing Volunteers Needed for T-shirt Tote Project

Significant progress has been made over the past few months in transforming T-shirts into totes. This project was started to reduce the number of plastic bags found in or near the Red River. Totes are distributed for free and are used for outreach and education at local community events and stores. We have a few more boxes […]
August Many Thanks

Lil Anglers Clinic and DerbyThank you to all of the volunteers and participants who helped make the Lil Anglers Clinic and Derby a fun place to learn about fishing and enjoying the Red River while fishing! A special thank you to FM Walleyes Unlimited, Inc. members for sharing their fishing skills and knowledge to help make this […]
Red River Water Festival Volunteers Needed

Sign up for a volunteer shift at the Red River Water Festival so that we can offer this educational, fun-filled hands-on learning opportunity for local 4th grade classrooms. The Red River Water Festival is September 16-20 & 23 at the Hjemkomst Center in Moorhead (16th being set up). Classrooms will rotate through interactive activities to […]
Ruler of the Red Virtual Fishing Tournament

We’ve changed the tournament up a little bit this year to hopefully get more participants. This year it is a month long event fun virtual fishing tournament on the Red River as August is National Fishing Month! Where: Red River of the North between Cass 22/Clay 26 and Cass 16/Clay 8 Entry Fee: FREE How it […]
Activity Tote Highlight: River Crime Lab

Today we are highlighting River Crime Lab. This is one of our hands-on educational activity totes that can be checked out for FREE! This is a great activity to combine with our Storm Drain Marking Program to help reduce storm water pollution going to the Red River. Also, consider planning this activity at a park […]
On-the-Water Cleanup

Join us on August 12th to cleanup the banks of the Red River in a canoe. Volunteers must have enough experience canoeing to be comfortable reaching over the canoe to pick up trash and not mind getting wet/muddy. There are a limited number of spots available. Volunteers must sign up at:
River Paddling Excursion: Member & Volunteer Only Event

This is a FREE event for River Keepers members and volunteers on August 19, thanks to funding from the FM Area Foundation. Enjoy the beauty of the Red, learn about the many aspects of the Red River, and meet other River Keepers supporters. All skill levels are welcome! Arrive by 5:30 pm to sign in […]
Jay Leitch

River Keepers lost a valued past board member, member, donor, volunteer, mentor and friend in Jay Leitch. He dedicated over 1/3 of his life to River Keepers sharing his time and talents which helped make the organization what it is today. The list of things he helped with is long, but we wanted to highlight […]
Lil Anglers Fishing Clinic & Derby

Catch a big one from the Red River! This is a FREE event. No pre-registration required. Join us at Dike East in Fargo on August 8. The fishing clinic goes from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. and the derby from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Learn all about casting, knot tying, fish identification and more at the […]